23 Sept 2007

twocollect in Buenos Aires

After celebrating the »dia de la patria« in Santiago de Chile, where we went to a »fonda« and saw many great bands, danced a lot and had our last » pisco sour« we had one day left to pack our rucksacks, say thank you and good bye to everyone we met during the four weeks. On thursday we finally we headed on to Buenos Aires.
We were very lucky that Natalia and Pablo offered us to stay at their place for the first couple of days. So right now we are living in »Belgrano« in a beautiful house, that is full of inspiration as both of them also work as graphic designers. And there is Loli, their labrador dog, who loves to be petted and hugged all day long.
Please vistit Natis and Pablos flickr page to see some of their beautiful illustrations, and aswell Pablos website.
On the fist night we arrived they took us on a night tour in the car around Buenos Aires and the first impression was already great - we are sure will have a lot of interesting stuff to post within the next days!


Anonymous said...

wow u guys arrived Argentina finally! please say hi to Pablos for me :D
Enjoy your trip!

Anonymous said...

ich bin "highly delighted" dass du eine schaltanlage fotografierst.das kann nur mit der tatsache zu tun haben dass ich ganz früher mal "schaltanlagenhändler" war.
leider ist der blick auf die anlage etwas verstellt und somit die"schönheit und erhabenheit" der anlge nur zu erahnen
liebe grüße von einem elektriker

Anonymous said...

i love BA xo

Anonymous said...

huhuu, cool,in dem haus würde ich gerne wohnen, was ist da 'drinnen?lg kti