15 Sept 2007

rojo con texto y twocollect

Today we had our last working day of a three week collaboration with Alejandra y Magdalena from »rojo con texto« (www.rojocontexto.cl). Just in time we completed Ignacio Infantes website, who had the opening of his photo exhibition in Belgium this week. So for those who can't make it to the exhibition about Chile in Brussels you can take a look at Ignacios pictures at www.ignacioinfante.cl
In addition we did the wall- and floor graphcis for the project called "ClubMinga", a mobile kindergarden. The name is taken from the expression "minga", which referres to unities who help each other in every situation. »Mingas« were originally held on Chiloe, a small island in the south of Chile and are especially famous for their house movings, where they literally move the whole househould by the help of an oxcarts. Once beeing introduced into the subject of mobility we also worked on the coporate identity of a mobile café which is due to open up in October. Like »Club Minga« this café ist situated in a container and can easily change its position. For »inspiration« we were given some of the handmade chocolates that will also be sold there - it was so delicious!
We quit working at 1 pm and had a nice barbeque at the cortyard of the office, including traditional empanadas and »vino con frutilla«. This was the start into a week's time of celebration for 18th of September, the National Holiday of Chile. So we are looking foward to more asados, fondas, cuecas, rodeos, pisco, empanadas and of course spring time!

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