27 Aug 2007

El gran colector: Señor Pablo Neruda

Here in Chile we found a person we really learned to admire: the chilean writer Pablo Neruda. Not only famous for his poems, but also for his enormous collection of everything. All of his three houses he had in Chile were turned into Museums full of curiosities from all over the world. As an embassador he traveld a lot and seemed to find everywhere people who were willing to do him the favor to deliver whatever he found (no matter of size or weight) to his home.
Neruda loved the sea, but prefered to watch it from land. So he built parts of his house in ship shapes, enjoyed to sit in a small boat in his garden to take a drink or wellcome friends ringing an original ship-bell hanging beside it.
Paulina took us to this weekend to one of his houses in »Isla Negra«, directly build at the seaside with a beautiful view and of course a great collection of everything you can imagine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Da ist sie ja wieder die grüne Mütze!! Pablo Neruda hätte seine Freude damit.
Und sofort denk ich an den Film "Il postino", wo sich Senor Neruda vom italienischen Briefträger Inselgeräusche einsammeln lässt ...

Liebste Grüße aus dem europäischen Norden ...