16 Jul 2007

Melbourne Design Festival - Shed 4

Last week the Melbourne Design Festival took place, which missed almost completely while because we spend our time in trains and busses. But we made it at least to one exhibition in the docklands, quite far away. Although it was said to be the closing party there were only a few people around. But nevertheless we liked the works and the location was impressive. After that we cooked ourselfs a delicios warming curry at Sarah's place :)


Anonymous said...

Das muss ich jetzt aber schon mal in aller twocollectöffentlichkeit erwähnen: Eure Fotos sind grandios und es macht solchen Spaß sie rauf- und runter zu scrollen! KussKi

Anonymous said...

Das muss ich jetzt aber schon mal in aller twocollectoeffentlichkeit erwaehnen: Eure Fotos sind grandios und es macht solchen Spass sie rauf- und runter zu scrollen! KussKiki