9 Jun 2007

Twocollect in Mong Kok

Friday we moved from »Central« to »Mong Kok«, one of the most crowded districts on the Kwoloon side.
First of all we really have to thank Tereza for offering us a home for the last two weeks! We will really miss our daily decent with the escalator with a coffe to go each morning, the great bread a »Tufei Pain Pain« and the evenings we spend together at the »Yumla«! Thank you so much!

Mong Kok ist definetely different and although we are really exhausted after finishing our jobs and the daily new impressions we feel the need to keep on and see more and more. I think with all these toy stores, tiny chinese stores, markets and other great stuff in front of your nose, no one could stand it to stay in a hostal room!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if you have any need when you two still in Hong Kong,you can call me ^^/