12 Oct 2007

20 million people

On Tuesday evening we arrived at Saõ Paulo. We are very happy that Everson invited us to stay at his place for the first week - otherwise we would have felt completely lost. Especially when we went up to a very high building the next day we realized how big it is - a city wherever you look, until the horizont, 360°.
But as we mentioned, we found a very nice spot in the very center of Saõ Paulo and already met some very good designers. Please take a look at the following websites:

Everson: http://dslab.art.br/
and also his flickr page where you can find pictures of the characters he designed to make a
stop-motion video. They are really beautiful: go to flickr page
We also met some very good friends of him:
Dimitre http://dmtr.org/
and Carlo http://carlogiovani.com/ and his flickr page

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cool, diesen coolen film von carlo für axatu oder so hab ich schonmal gesehen - i love it! :)
was fürne krasse stadt!! wie lange muss man wohl von einem ende zum anderen fahren? geht nicht verloren!