20 Aug 2007

Two sundays in a row..

After 18 hours of traveling we arrived quite exhausted but very happy in sunny Santiago de Chile. The interesting thing about this trip was that we left Christchurch at 3 pm on Sunday and arrived in Santiago at noon on exactely the same day. Paulina, the mother of our friend Gonzalo welcomed us very heartily and took us for a small trip up to the mountains which are very close to Santiago. Surprisingly we found a chilean Rodeo taking place at the spot, where Paulina wanted to show us the sunset. All of a sudden we were sitting at the tribune applauding these brave men. The show was almost over but fortunately we could attend the winners celebration. The best »Huaso« was rewarded with two television sets and got the admission to dance with a beautiful girl - the rodeo queen... they had quite a hard time dancing gracefully in the gravel sand.
On our way back to Paulinas house the sunset sky was full of colored kites. If you followed the string back to the ground you found lots of excited children running through the streets with big bobbins in their arms.


Anonymous said...

Wo habt Ihr all Eure Wintersachen gelassen? Und wo ist die grüne Mütze? Werdet ihr nun mit dem VW-Käfer die ganze chilenische Küste entlangfahren?

I'm very impressed!

Anonymous said...

oooohhhh, tolle bilder! cool jetzt isses wieder warm oder? schöne kringelgrüsse ausm regnerischen hamburg!