6 Aug 2007


After smelly Rotorua we once again went for some nice beaches (and fresh air!) at "Coromandel" where we also met Stuard. Standing at the beach, still dressed in his wetsuite from the last surf, checking out the sea in his home village we started to talk and got invited to his home. Before we went there he took us to his own launderette and while taking the chance to wash all our clothes too he prepared the best flat white and hot chocolate we had so far in his café at the side of the launderette. If anyone happens to come to New Zealand we can strongly recommend to go for a coffee at "Toasted" either in Auckland or Whangamata: www.toased.co.nz
We spent the night talking outside in his garden sitting close to the warm campfire he lit in his garden. We are really impressed how hospitable and open the Kiwis are and we really have a great time here. Thank you so much!

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