31 Aug 2007
28 Aug 2007
27 Aug 2007
El gran colector: Señor Pablo Neruda
Here in Chile we found a person we really learned to admire: the chilean writer Pablo Neruda. Not only famous for his poems, but also for his enormous collection of everything. All of his three houses he had in Chile were turned into Museums full of curiosities from all over the world. As an embassador he traveld a lot and seemed to find everywhere people who were willing to do him the favor to deliver whatever he found (no matter of size or weight) to his home.
Neruda loved the sea, but prefered to watch it from land. So he built parts of his house in ship shapes, enjoyed to sit in a small boat in his garden to take a drink or wellcome friends ringing an original ship-bell hanging beside it.
Paulina took us to this weekend to one of his houses in »Isla Negra«, directly build at the seaside with a beautiful view and of course a great collection of everything you can imagine.
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Bello Barrio
Bello Barrio, recently declared as the »Zona tipica« from Santiago is where we are staying at the moment. These few streets try to maintain the original spirit of the former Santiago and resist all the skycrapers and modern buildings surrounding us. The entire »barrio« was designed by the famous chilean architect Luciano Kulczewski, who decided to make each of the houses slightly different and by that special. One of these details are the small metal decorations that cover the ventilation holes beneath the floors of the houses.
If you want to see more pictures of these really nice houses please visit Paulinas flickr page or the web-blog about the barrio.
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23 Aug 2007
Santiago me gusta mucho
Yo soy Antonia. Yo vivo en Ñuñoa. Estoy Santiago hace cuatro dias. Estoy en Santiago dos semanas. Santiago me gusta mucho. Hoy fue al museo de artes precolombino. Ahora estoy viendo la television y estudio castellano.
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20 Aug 2007
Two sundays in a row..
After 18 hours of traveling we arrived quite exhausted but very happy in sunny Santiago de Chile. The interesting thing about this trip was that we left Christchurch at 3 pm on Sunday and arrived in Santiago at noon on exactely the same day. Paulina, the mother of our friend Gonzalo welcomed us very heartily and took us for a small trip up to the mountains which are very close to Santiago. Surprisingly we found a chilean Rodeo taking place at the spot, where Paulina wanted to show us the sunset. All of a sudden we were sitting at the tribune applauding these brave men. The show was almost over but fortunately we could attend the winners celebration. The best »Huaso« was rewarded with two television sets and got the admission to dance with a beautiful girl - the rodeo queen... they had quite a hard time dancing gracefully in the gravel sand.
On our way back to Paulinas house the sunset sky was full of colored kites. If you followed the string back to the ground you found lots of excited children running through the streets with big bobbins in their arms.
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19 Aug 2007
18 Aug 2007
twocollect buttons (after a great supper!)
Christine and Rosetta invited us and some other friends to have supper at their place on friday night. It was really delicious and a very nice way to end our week of work here in Christchurch. After the desert we all joined Christine in making some fabric buttons for »retreasured«. They colleceted heaps of different cloths in second hand stores, which they use to make their bags - some of them are very weird and we had lots of fun searching through all of them!
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15 Aug 2007
twocollect at timezone one
Gathering more work experience at the Christchurch based design agency »Timezone one«. We are really happy, that Nigel offered us a job for our last week here in New Zealand.
Thanks a lot to Christine and Rosetta for connecting us to Brett, a graphic designer and friend of theirs, who is working at »Timezone one« and is taking care of us there. Thank you very much for that. Please take a look at Brett's webblog to find some of his really nice design work.
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13 Aug 2007
True to the motto Greymoth welcomed us with pouring rain and a stiff breeze. Instead of following the tourist information center recommendations to visit the Jade-Stone-Gallery or local brewery we took a walk up to the very top of Greymouths harbor. At that point the grey river meets the wild ocean. Each of them fighting to get along their way are creating a very dangerous part to pass where already many fisherboats sunk.
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