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At Nati's and Pablo's house we met the funniest dog we've ever seen. Her name is Loli and as Nati is always saying Loli is dividing her world into the things that are eatable and the ones that are not. Standing in her favorit place (the kitchen), I was too sleepy this morning to catch a piece of cheese that fell out of the fridge - Loli inhaled it without chewing.
Yesterday night we prepared a delicous dinner: an italian-venezuelan inspired creation. While we were trying to eat our meals, Loli was starring at the food, trying to move it throughout the power of her mind.
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Monday morning we joined Pablo on his way to the »Universidad de Buenos Aires«, where he is holding classes in the subject »Morfologia«. This day the students had to present their work so we could take a look at all the different projects. It was really great and you can find even more inspiration at this webpage:
Compared to the universtity where we studied the UBA is huge. At the moment it is coverd all over with posters of the elections that are about to come, but nevertheless we discovered some campaign-free walls that still showed some of the artwork.
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There is so much going on in Buenos Aires! At the »Konex«, a cultural center, we spent the afternoon watching several local artists painting a car, which was sponsored by a mexican guy, listened to 2 bands, saw a shortfilm selection and took a look a the small shop, while sipping a ginger-mint-lemonade!
Nati introduced us to several friends and designers, so here are some more links you should defintetely take a look at:
Buenos Aires Stencil
When it got colder in the evening we swichted the scenes and went to another concert, this time indoor, but not before we had our first argentinan empanadas - we still love them, even though we had them almost daily in Santiago. The last band performing was »Bolas de Fuego« which was founded by Marcos y Ezequiel, who at the same time are the head of »Superestudio«, whom we should also meet the next morning, when we went to visit them at their studio.
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On our second day in Buenos Aires we followed the invitation of Juan and left the city for an original argentinian »asado«. Six brothers invited all of their friends to come to their farm, where they breed cattel and celebrate with them the beginning of Spring. We were told that everyone is looking forward to that day the whole year long and when we arrived there we understood the anticipation. It almost felt at a festival venue, with all the guests, music and the great weather.
Especially for this occasion a »novillo« (young bull) was slaughtered and grilled and the meat was incredibly good and served only with salt, bread and some salad.
Almost 12 hours we all together celebrated the start of Spring and drunk vine, ate meat and took a long walk through the grounds and visited the cattles (which will be eaten next time...)
We met a lot of people there, most of them designers aswell. Although this day was not about working, design or what so ever we want to post at least some of the webpages of the people we met:
Laura Varsky
Christian Montenegro
Karin y Paula
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After celebrating the »dia de la patria« in Santiago de Chile, where we went to a »fonda« and saw many great bands, danced a lot and had our last » pisco sour« we had one day left to pack our rucksacks, say thank you and good bye to everyone we met during the four weeks. On thursday we finally we headed on to Buenos Aires.
We were very lucky that Natalia and Pablo offered us to stay at their place for the first couple of days. So right now we are living in »Belgrano« in a beautiful house, that is full of inspiration as both of them also work as graphic designers. And there is Loli, their labrador dog, who loves to be petted and hugged all day long.
Please vistit Natis and Pablos flickr page to see some of their beautiful illustrations, and aswell Pablos website.
On the fist night we arrived they took us on a night tour in the car around Buenos Aires and the first impression was already great - we are sure will have a lot of interesting stuff to post within the next days!
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